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28/07/09 65 Atlas targets at Andover Archers

Andover Archers

Andover Archers purchase 65 Atlas 1280-1 targets...

 After having the opportunity to shoot on our targets the team at Andover Archers instantly appreciated the benefits of our design and the "weird but wonderful" properties of the sphere material.

Atlas targets at 50M during the 2009 shoot

Targets ready to go at 50M during the "Andoba" shoot 2009.

 Andover Archers were the first club in the UK to use compressed layered foam targets, which they manufactured themselves and now they are the first club in the UK to switch to Atlas targets for all of their major tournaments. The club decided to upgrade on the grounds of extended target life, easy-of-use & speed of repair - especially during shoots. For more information on the decision making process please see extended details below.

Andober shoot - in action.

Shoot in progress - Judge!

Andover committee still smiling after paying for everything!

Andover Archers Committee 2009.

From left to right... Paul Flippance (Tournament Officer) Barry Morris (club member and work party stalwart), Rob Welfare (Secretary), Jackie Flippance (Records Officer), Tim Croot (Chairman and Treasurer), and Ian Bamford (Equipment Officer).

Endorsement & purchasing decision making process detailed...

by Reb Welfare, Andover Archers - Club Secretary

"Andover Archers as a club offer a number of open shoots to the archery fraternity, the bulk of the shoots have been shot at using Straw bosses and layered foam bosses for the FITA star. As our membership is continually growing and the shoots we provide increasing in popularity, the annual straw boss bill was increasing at a similar rate. It was decided that we move the layered foam bosses for all our shoots for two main reasons. Firstly to gain a boss that would be repairable, as we make and repair all our layered foam bosses and target wall. Secondly to give the archers a boss that is easier to pull arrows from and more arrow friendly."

"The layered foam bosses work extremely well, but the constant need for repair became prohibitive. We conducted an extensive research operation into which commercially available bosses would be the best to use and compiled a cost per arrow matrix. Endorsements were also sought from other atlas boss users, one recommendation from Jon Nott was extremely impressive. The Atlas, Target Tech bosses in theory looked like the obvious choice and we approached Brett Walker with a view to having a boss for evaluation. A boss was delivered and quickly “pulled-apart” and shot at by some of our more discerning members. The boss performance proved a great success and as a result we chose to order 65 bosses for the Andoba FITA star and Andover Archers other tournaments."

"We gave Target Tech six weeks to make, QC and deliver the targets in time for the FITA star shoot. We received regular updates on the boss production and were invited to their facilities in Dudley to view the production progress. The service and support we have received from Target Tech has been very reassuring and the delivery schedule was never in any doubt. Setting up the field was far easier due to the reduced weight of the bosses, as was the clearing of the bosses after the event. The feedback that we received from the archers who shot on the bosses has all been very positive."

"We are very happy with our decision to order and use the Target Tech LTD, Atlas bosses."